sloth v2.5
10Mar2004 | 01:07Back | Forth
Mood: frustrated, but hopeful
Sounds: operation ivy - freeze up

we wave the flag of freedom as we conquer and invade

The avalanche of evidence illustrating the Bush Administration's propensity to lie, mislead, and otherwise deceive the people of this country is inescapable. They can mince words all they want, but the fact remains that several key figures in the administration have been party to egregious lies and disinformation, in many instances. Such behavior is inexcusable, whether for "national security" or any other reason. Former President Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, and for good reason: the President must be accountable for his or her words as well as his or her actions. How is lying to the American populace any different fundamentally, especially when the ramifications of each incident are weighed fairly? Clinton lied under oath about his sexual conduct, which had no direct bearing on the lives of the American people. Bush and several others have lied repeatedly about many subjects, not the least of which is the reasons to invade Iraq, which had tremendous negative impact upon the lives of thousands of soldiers, millions of Iraqi citizens, and the global opinion toward the United States.

How can we not propose to impeach President Bush and his administration for such gross disregard for honesty, fairness, and accountability? Not to mention the blatant disregard of the lives affected (and destroyed) by such behavior?

do your part!


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