sloth v2.5
06 October 2006 | 14:05Back | Forth

Sisyphus should take a hint from Spoonbender, and so should I...

"time is was and what a time it was
it was a time of innocence, a time of confidences...
long ago it must be, i have a photograph..."
- bookends, simon & garfunkel

the past is always moving against the background of the unchanging Now, while at the same time Now is always moving against the background of the static Past.
i'm not sure where to begin, because i don't know where i've ended.
i don't know where to end, because i can't mark the beginning.
such beginnings and endings are arbitrary constructs to help us organize this constantly changing Life.
we know all is in motion, yet we deny such motion with our use of metaphors, concepts, thoughts, decisions, and words. we fear such motion and the unforeseen, the unknown and unknowable.
what room is there for motion, for change, once we've decided something?
let us not say "forever", rather let us say "for now".
let us not wonder about yesterday before we wonder about tomorrow. yesterday will still be yesterday, while tomorrow quickly becomes today, then, too, another yesterday.
nothing is ever for sure, not even what i'm saying.
what am i saying?
i don't enjoy statements nearly as much as i enjoy questions these days.
let me state only that i am Here.
Here is as much a state of mind as my location in the space-time continuum.
and just as Heisenberg tells us, the more you know about location, the less you can know about the motion, and vice versa.
and vice versa...