sloth v2.5
11May2005 | 23:56Back | Forth
Mood: peaceful
Sounds: the afterdrip of a wonderful thunderstorm


thunderstorms are great.
i love them muchly.
you might know why, but i will try to explain:
the atmosphere becomes charged, ionized with potential energy, and people sometimes talk of 'smelling' the rain. the wind whips up a frenzy, blowing leaves, rain, hair, and clothes every which way. there is passion and power in thunderstorms, making every instant more intense and full. we get a nice light show, and some scary rumbling crashes that shake us to our bones. we are but small creatures, silhouetted against the blinding bolts of electricity, but we absorb the energy all around and become somehow much greater, much more alive, much more free. and when the worst torrents of rain, lightning and thunder have abated, there comes a moment of absolute stillness, unbound by what came before, and nurtured with the power that has rained down. whereas the calm before the storm pulses with foreboding, the calm after the storm resonates with a clean, magical energy, where anything is possible, and all is full of love...

what do you think about thunderstorms?
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