
nathan - 2005-05-15 15:44:54
so apparently either no one cares about thunderstorms (positively or negatively), or no one cares to leave a comment about them. i thought this was a good time to bring back the comments, but maybe not. huh. oh well.
emily - 2005-05-16 12:48:04
thunderstorms are cool, except when you are driving in them at night and you lose control of your car in a giant invisible puddle, which would have been visible if the lightning had turned on at that opportune moment. but from a porch in a wicker rocker, they are quite delightful. even better in a lean on teh laurel long as your toes don't get wet.
emily - 2005-05-16 12:48:09
thunderstorms are cool, except when you are driving in them at night and you lose control of your car in a giant invisible puddle, which would have been visible if the lightning had turned on at that opportune moment. but from a porch in a wicker rocker, they are quite delightful. even better in a lean on the laurel long as your toes don't get wet.
emily - 2005-05-16 12:49:03
thunderstorms are cool, except when you are driving in them at night and you lose control of your car in a giant invisible puddle, which would have been visible if the lightning had turned on at that opportune moment. but from a porch in a wicker rocker, they are quite delightful. even better in a lean on the laurel long as your toes don't get wet.
slothette - 2005-05-25 15:12:51
I think you know what I think of wind/rain/thunderstorms. Hott, very hott.

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