sloth v2.5
19Dec2003 | 12:34Back | Forth

how many times did we say harley to get these pics?

see?  look how good i am now!


aww, don't you think i'm so cute?


yeah, i'm totally harmless, now how about a treat?!


here's some more pictures of our favorite alaskan malamute. this was in the same photo shoot as the last ones, except here we were done playing (trying to wear him out), and instead trying to get him to lay still for a nice photo. i don't think he really gets it, though. he just wanted to play in the snow more.

i think snow has to be his favorite thing. it's the only time of the year when he's not overheating all the time, and wallowing around in cold snow probably feels good to him. i remember when he was a young pup (and small!!) and was outside in the snow trying to figure out what it was all about. it was his first snow ever, and he kept sniffling the ground under it, plowing the snow with his nose. he was cute. he still is cute, in a full-grown perpetual puppy sort of way.


you may have noticed that it took me a couple of days to get this update up. well, yesterday, and continuing today i've been helping my family move my grandparents into the house across the street from my parents. and let me tell you: crazy. just friggin crazy.

i might have pictures of that to post, too... but they might be too boring to be worth putting up. we'll see.


have a great day y'all