sloth v2.5
03Mar2004 | 14:13Back | Forth
Mood: excited
Sounds: lemon jelly - pushy

nature is ancient, but surprises us all

sorry, no politics; just pictures. life is too short to be bitching about politics all the time... even if there are damn good reasons these days...

© 2004 daffodils

it's wet in the middle...

© 2004 daffodils

with a shell around it...

© 2004 crocuses(?)

it's called Life!...

© 2004 daffodils

it goes wherever it wants to...

© 2004 tulips

most of these eager plants are located in warm microclimate areas: south-facing slopes, surrounded by dark soil and/or a mulch cover to absorb heat. i am worried that these early go-getters will succumb to another freeze that we will likely get before the weather stabilizes. but i am optimistic for their chances... Nature is ancient, but surprises us all!

also during my walk yesterday, i checked out possible places that spring peepers will be peeping up a storm. they like water, and wet areas, and there are plenty of those aroud... but i'm looking for microclimates that may convince them to start early or late, depending on aspect, altitude, wind, and habitat.

speaking of habitat, i noticed that someone threw a bunch of tree limbs and branches into the stream in Vinegar Hollow, probably trimmings from trail-maintenance. i think this is great! as long as someone else doesn't come along and decide that the stream shouldn't be "polluted" or "junked up" then a lot of happy aminals will have all kinds of new habitat edges to thrive on.

so, if you see branches and stuff in a stream, leave it there. a healthy stream/river/lake/whatever loves more edge, so let it have all it wants. "cleaning" up a forest or wetlands is a joke. it's self-cleaning, and in any event, it want's all that stuff around. so let Nature do her thing, and you'll see Life popping out all over the place, just like it should....


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