sloth v2.5
14Jan2004 | 2wo 15fteen ante meridianBack | Forth

hello me, it's me again. you can subdue, but never tame me.

if you checked here in the past two-ish hours and were greeted w/o a picture, i am sorry. for YOU, i offer this:

disclaimer:  remember to not play with fire or encourage young children to play with fire.  keep all lighters, matches, and possible fuels out of reach from youngsters.  i do not recommend the lighting of fires within your home, especially on xmas eve, or any other holiday that your parents would not like their home burned to the ground on.  nor do i recommend the lighting of paper notices attached to (tar saturated wooden) telephone poles on a hot, dry, summer day.  *ahem*

delving for more squigglicious possibilities around...

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