sloth v2.5
16 February 2008 | 00:03Back | Forth

ainsi il va

oh flip, is it really more than halfway through February already?!
i'm not the busiest person in the world (from what i hear), but i do have my share of distractions lately...
like getting nice looking prints to a gallery in Louisiana for a show in which one of the prints has already won an award, and both submissions will likely sell. that's pretty fun.
like throwing away bunches of old junk from the attic, and cleaning my room (and life) of all unnecessary junk. i've never given away so many books at one time!
like working on the business end of my photography pursuits. i've shot very few photos recently. rather, i'm going through my archives and editing almost-lost images and trashing everything else that i haven't really done much with. i am no longer a shoot-everything-around-and-keep-everything-always kind of photographer. i pick and choose more carefully. i might have a photo in Whirl coming up, and maybe a print order for a doctor's office or two. oh yeah, so far i'm doing 3 weddings in 2008.
and there's also the Secret Project, too, hehehe...
so i'm not uberbusy, but more than a little busy.