sloth v2.5
12Jan2005 | 00:12Back | Forth
Mood: disconsolate
Sounds: megadeth - ashes in your mouth

don't bother reading this, i don't even know why i posted it. or anything else here, for that matter...

i am so lonely, lifeless, lightless, and listless, i could die.
that's just the way it is.
like butter scraped over too much bread.
thin and weary, dark and distant.
the four noble truths echo in my acheing head; some broken things never seem to mend.
it might just be the rain (fits my mood nicely, though i'm sick of it) or that i'm S.A.D. or that i'm just crazy or depressed or getting myself down.
i don't know. and i don't know that i even care.
you probably think i'm pathetic, but save your pathos for someone else. i don't care what you think of me.
i should just go away, both literally and figuratively.
new scenery sounds nice...