sloth v2.5
07Jan2005 | 01:47Back | Forth
Mood: irritated
Sounds: ice cream creatures - little machine

the straw that broke

i can't not say anything, now that i know.
i hate having information about people that other people need to know, but the telling and knowing end up hurting so much, even me for being the messenger.
and yes, the information came by way of loose mouths bound to secrecy, and the mere fact i know such information is at odds with the wishes of certain parties.
but the fact remains i know what may be going on (in my limited capacity, of course), and i have an obligation to do right by those i care about, and let them know what i know, no matter how upsetting it might be to them or how much the other involved parties may wish me to keep my mouth shut.
such a sticky situation...
aren't you glad that you have no idea what i'm talking about?
and if you do, then you know what YOU have to do.
you shouldn't take my word for it, find out for yourself...